Dopo aver preso ispirazione dalle foto del post precedente, vi presento qui le mie decorazioni per il pigiama party di Halloween di mia figlia!
After taking inspiration from the photos of the previous post, I present here my decorations for Halloween sleepover for my daughter!
After taking inspiration from the photos of the previous post, I present here my decorations for Halloween sleepover for my daughter!
L'entrata... The entry.. |
Festa paurosa per di qui... Creepy party this way... |
Parcheggio scope. Broom parking. |
Translation: Abandon all hope ye who enter here... Don't touch anything and nothing will touch you! |
Siete sicuri di essere stati invitati? (questa sono io...) Are you sure to be invited? (this is me...) |
Benvenuti alla festa! Welcome to the party! |
Uno zombie sta uscendo dal vaso... A zombie is coming from the pot... |
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Pippistrelli ovunque! Bats everywhere! |
Qualcosa da bere? Something to drink? (labels translation: Fresh Dracula's blood 0+ type; Poison: drink at your own risk) |
Tombe tramezzino. Grave sandwiches. |
Mummie stagionate 4000 anni in sarcofagi di rovere. Mummies seasoned 4000 years in oak coffins. |
Dita di strega con salsa di sangue di ratto. Witch fingers with rat blood sauce. |
E per dessert: vermi saporiti in vaso di terra. For dessert: tasty warms in soil pot. |
Denti di morti d.o.c. Teeth of dead. |
Mummie, zucche bulbi oculari... Mummies, pumpkins, eyeballs... |
E qui trovate le foto del pigiama party del 2015!
And here you'll find photos of 2015's slumber party!
And here you'll find photos of 2015's slumber party!