Come vi dicevo in un post tempo fa, cercavamo da tempo un cagnolino e finalmente l'abbiamo trovata (femmina anche il cane, non solo le due figlie!).
Si è già messa al lavoro nello studio... Penelope (Penny) al PC!
As I told you in a post some time ago, we were looking for a puppy and finally we've found it (female the dog too, not only my two daughters!).
She is at work in my office yet... Penelope (Penny) on PC!
Si è già messa al lavoro nello studio... Penelope (Penny) al PC!
As I told you in a post some time ago, we were looking for a puppy and finally we've found it (female the dog too, not only my two daughters!).
She is at work in my office yet... Penelope (Penny) on PC!