Conoscete Buru Buru? E' un e-commerce che vende mobili ed accessori per la casa di marchi indipendenti e giovani designers. Si trovano dei pezzi d'arredo originali ed ogni settimana si alternano le offerte. Ho curiosato tra le offerte di questa settimana e ho scelto alcuni prodotti di carattere: se vi piace differenziarvi dalla massa, con questi pezzi d'arredo la vostra casa acquisterà originalità.
Fate un giro sul sito e ditemi se ho dimenticato qualche pezzo da urlo in offerta!
Do you know Buru Buru? It's an e-commerce that sells furniture and home accessories made by young designers and small brands. You can find original furniture pieces and there are different offers every week. I browsed through this week deals and I picked some interesting products: if you like to differentiate yourself from the crowd, with these pieces of furniture your home will acquire originality.
Take a ride on the site and tell me if I have missed some gorgeous piece on sale!
Fate un giro sul sito e ditemi se ho dimenticato qualche pezzo da urlo in offerta!
Do you know Buru Buru? It's an e-commerce that sells furniture and home accessories made by young designers and small brands. You can find original furniture pieces and there are different offers every week. I browsed through this week deals and I picked some interesting products: if you like to differentiate yourself from the crowd, with these pieces of furniture your home will acquire originality.
Take a ride on the site and tell me if I have missed some gorgeous piece on sale!
Lanterne di Atipico. Lanterns by Atipico. |
Carta da parati Baffi di Wall-e. Moustache wallpaper by Wall-e. |
La cucina diventa laboratorio di chimica con Bitossi. Kitchen becomes a chemistry lab with Bitossi. |
Set di 3 appendiabiti albero di HK Living. Set of 3 Tree Hooks by HK Living. |
Tappeti tondi di HK Living. Round carpets by HK Living. |
Scatole Lego. Lego Boxes. |
Scrivania Volga, bianca e gialla, di TemaHome. Volga Desk, in white + yellow, by TemaHome. |
Libreria Wind di TemaHome. Wind Bookshelf by TemaHome. |